via donau gets „Energy Globe 2010“

Innovative solution for waste separation at Austria’s locks bring prestigious award to via donau


Corks pop at via donau these days. The Austrian water management company was given the „Energy Globe Award 2010“ in the water category for its waste separation system for shipping. With this project via donau makes a clear commitment to environmental protection and an important contribution to meet the Water Framework Directive. In the year of introduction 15 tons of ship generated waste has been collected.

To facilitate waste separation for cargo shipping on the Austrian Danube, via donau has elaborated standard symbols and labels to mark the recyclable and residual waste collection boxes. A guide available in five languages informs about environmentally friendly handling of waste in cargo shipping, correct separation of waste, box labelling and shows all waste collection stations along the Austrian Danube. The information is also available by hotline, internet and the navigation information system DoRIS. Regular, local monitoring ensures the sustainability of the success of this project.

“An environmentally responsible handling of waste spares natural resources and avoids pollution of soil, air and water. Correct separation improves the quality of water. Moreover recyclable waste can be won and high costs of subsequent wastes separation can be avoided“, says Minister of infrastructure Doris Bures at the award ceremony of via donau. Also Austria’s Danube ports show interest in adopting this system, which, according to the jury „is an excellent model and helps to raise consciousness for water as an issue“.

Hans-Peter Hasenbichler, Managing Director of via donau, emphasised at the award ceremony, „we will improve our environmental performance in the future as well , because the Danube is apart from being an important infrastructure for traffic, a unique ecological system.“ He referred to the protection of this living space as a very important task in his statement.

Quelle: LogEastics

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