TNT Express boosts security measures

TNT Express is taking a series of additional measures to protect its customers and their consignments as well as its employees and networks from the threat of parcel-bombs.

The company has reinforced air and ground security controls, including the screening of consignments, in all countries where it operates.

This covers TNT’s own operations as well as those of its associates, subcontractors and partner airlines involved in the transportation of TNT shipments.

Despite already implementing a global security standard that meets or exceeds local security standards, TNT Express is completing a risk assessment to identify areas where security could be further enhanced. This includes the evaluation of all airports where TNT operates or plans to operate in the near future.

TNT routinely cooperates with national and international authorities responsible for transportation security worldwide. In the coming weeks, TNT Express will intensify discussion with customers and security officials to raise existing security standards, and will also review and align with any developing regulations.

TNT is currently subject to several international regulations, including ICAO Annex 17, and also takes account of other international recommendations, such as ECAC Doc 30, ICAO Security recommendations, and industry-driven best practices, like IATA IOSA program and TAPA certification.

Quelle: eyefortransport


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