Researchers analyse water quality of the Danube

Research work of the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River from August 14 to September 26
The International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River is analysing the Danube segment from Regensburg to the estuary in the period from August 14 to September 26 2013. Aboard the three research and laboratory vessels are 20 biologists and chemists from all over the world, who will travel 2,375 km downstream the Danube River, through 10 countries, taking samples at about 100 places.
They will analyse water quality, sediments, suspended solids and biological parameters (fish fauna) along the Danube and its major inflows. The focus lies on parameters that are excluded from regular water monitoring. Moreover people in these regions will obtain information about the challenges of water protection.
Three vessels will participate in this project: MS “Istros“ from Romania of the Institutul National de Cercetare Dezvoltare Pentru Geologie si Geoecologie Marina – Geoecomar (Bukarest), MS “Argus“ from Serbia and “Meßschiff 4“ of the via donau – on the Austrian segment of the Danube. From Hainburg DI Otto Bohdal, manager of the WSV-Mitte association in Krems (via-donau), will accompany the excursion as a private with his vessel MS “Wien“.
The International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River has carried out this major expedition in 2001 and 2007, and now for the third time. A major aspect of research is the ecological and chemical quality of the water, says Benedikt Mandl, in charge of communication with the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River.

Quelle: LogEastics


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