RCA modifies service concept for Upper Gailtal region

Rail cargo transport to Kötschach/Mauthen to be preserved

A service structure adapted for shippers will secure an area-covering rail cargo connection of companies in the Upper Gailtal (Carinthia). With the schedule change from 13 December 2009, Rail Cargo Austria will operate a modified handling system in this region, but Kötschach//Mauthen will be maintained as a cargo transport location and will have the key number B2 in Austrian cargo tariff as of 13 December. This means the service at the loading station will be maintained on demand after contractual agreement and new regulation of cost liability of all parties involved.

Before the end of October such an agreement is to be made between Rail Cargo Austria AG and the concerned enterprises. “The sustainable securing of this area-service is our first concern“, stated Reinhard Wallner, RCA Production Manager. And he explains in a writing: “The model we are about to implement in Upper Gailtal by mid-December shows clearly that also less frequented stations within the network can be maintained.“

According to Rail Cargo Austria the enterprises of the region have agreed to adapt transports to the new service concept of the Gailtalbahn railway in the upper section. They are ready to make every effort to join forwarded volumes to increase economic efficiency in cargo transport. “Moreover all parties concerned agree that cargo transport on the upper Gailtalbahn section can only be secured on the long term if more cargo is shifted to the railway, that is with an additional shifting from road to rail“, RCA states in a press release.

Quelle: Österreichische Verkehrszeitung 
Portal:  www.logistik-express.com

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