Port of Ystad: Vienna as hub for traffic to Sweden

Swedish Port of Ystad Hamn boosts its commitment in Central Europe through daily liner services
Ystad, Scandinavia’s biggest port in traffic with Poland, sees Vienna as a major hub for land transport from South and Southeastern Europe to Northern European countries. With four daily RoPax and two daily RailRoPax services from/to Swinoujscie, Poland, Sweden’s most southern port wants to boost its strategic location for the region, and its position as a hub between Sweden and continental Europe.
In 2012 about 2.9 million tonnes of goods passed the Port of Ystad, which equals about 25 per cent of Sweden’s total cargo throughput volume. Björn Boström, managing director Ystad Hamn Logistik AB, sees some further potential in Vienna as a hub for cargo transhipment from South and Southeastern Europe to Northern European countries using Polish northbound routes. “With further growth it might be considered to move the port out of the city centre to allow bigger ships to call“, Björn Boström discloses in the interview with the Austrian transport magazine Österreichische Verkehrszeitung.
Malmö can be reached from the Port of Ystad by car in about 45 minutes. Malmö offers a link to Denmark via the Öresund Bridge. In addition to five berths for Ro-Ro, RailRoPax and RoPax vessels the port offers four berths for general and bulk cargo shipping.

Quelle: LogEastics

Portal: www.logistik-express.com

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