Vos Logistics expands logistics centre in Goch

Expansion project of Vos Logistics at its German location in Goch forms the basis to enhance the cooperation with Akzo Nobel   Vos Logistics is enlarging its logistics centre in Goch near Krefeld by 5,500 m² of hall space for approximately 11,000 pallet spaces. The enlargement will increase warehousing capacity to more than 36,000 pallet…

New with Wildenhofer: Daily general cargo transport to Spain

Daily truck-meets-truck traffic between Spain and Germany with links to Europe by Wildenhofer   Transport & Logistik The Salzburg based transport and logistics group Wildenhofer expands its offering for customers demanding liner services to handle general cargo with departure or destination points on the Iberian Peninsula. With immediate effect Wildenhofer Hispania S.L. in Tarragona services…

New DHL Freight logistics gateway in Ukraine

DHL Freight logistics centre in Kalinovka meets highest security standards and serves as important hub for trade with Eastern Europe   Opening a new logistics centre in Ukraine, DHL Freight creates the basis for further growth in Eastern Europe. According to the enterprise the 20,000 m² site in Kalinovka near Kiev provides state-of-the-art infrastructure and…

Rail logistics company VTG expands in Italy

VTG takes over 300 wagons from Sogerent to consolidate its market position in Italy   The Hamburg-based wagon hire and rail logistics company VTG Aktiengesellschaft has enlarged its vehicle fleet. As the management announces, the company has taken around 300 wagons from the Italian competitor Sogerent, a transaction company of Sogetank. By doing so VTG…

Continuous success for duisport Group’s business model

duisport Group (port of Duisburg) increases container handling to record level and total turnover to EUR 148 million   Erich Staake, Chief Executive Officer of Duisburger Hafen AG (“duisport“) presented brilliant figures at the financial statement press conference 2010. Container handling and earnings before interest, tax and amortization reached record results. The container segment reached…

Upturn of cargo throughput in Austria’s Danube ports

Cargo throughput at ports and piers on the Austrian segment of the Danube has considerably improved in 2010   On the water side throughput at the port facilities and piers in the Austrian segment of the Danube ports has recently been rising significantly. In 2010 the total volume compared to 2009 increased according to Statistics…

Process of remediation in self administration at Treu forwarding

Loss of Italian customers and strained price situation forced the Carinthian traditional company Treu Spedition into insolvency   On April 5 a process of remediation in self administration about the assets and liabilities of the Treu Speditiosnsgesellschaft m.b.H based in Arnoldstein was opened at the regional court Landesgericht Klagenfurt. The enterprise operating in the segments…

General Transport AG (Basel) becomes a member of the Geis group

Geis group takes over General Transport AG and creates the basis to expand its service portfolio and geographic reach   The Geis Group, founded in 1948, headquartered in Bad Neustadt, acquires 75 per cent of the shares of the General Transport AG. The Swiss logistics service provider with its headquarters in Basel and a branch…

Three shipping companies launch new Asia-Europe service

New joint service of Evergreen Line, CSCL and ZIM Integrated Shipping Services starting by the end of April   Evergreen Line, China Shipping Container Lines (CSCL) and ZIM Integrated Shipping Services (ZIM) are about to launch a new joint weekly Asia-Europe service. The service, commencing in late April 2011, will be operated under the names…

DHL goes green in Manhattan and Rhine-Ruhr area

DHL has introduced an all-green fleet in Manhattan, and is testing a fleet of electric vehicles in the Rhine-Ruhr area.   DHL is rolling out an all-green fleet of commercial delivery vehicles in Manhattan to help reduce its impact on the city’s environment. By September 2011, DHL Express will operate thirty battery-powered electric vans and…

FDIH signs cross-border logistics agreement with Schenker

The Danish Distance Selling and e-Business Association (FDIH) and Schenker have signed a strategic cooperation agreement aimed at removing known barriers for e-commerce across national borders.   An analysis of Danish e-commerce companies by Deloitte and FDIH indicates that cross-border logistics is the main barrier for the companies to conduct e-business across borders. The agreement…

New logistics trade association for Ireland

The United Kingdom Warehousing Association (UKWA) has announced the formation of the All Ireland Warehousing Association (AIWA).   AIWA will embrace all companies in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland that provide warehousing and other logistics support services in the supply chain. Like UKWA, it is also open to retailers and manufacturers who operate…

Southampton – Nuneaton rail freight upgrade complete

Bigger freight trains have started full operations between Southampton and the West Midlands following the completion of a multi-million pound rail upgrade.   The scheme enables freight trains to transport goods around the UK in a quicker, cheaper, greener and more practical way using the larger, modern containers preferred by many global shipping companies. The…

Recently awarded / expanded contracts

DHL is appointed as 3PL for Bristol-Myers Squibb in North America and official logistics partner for Vivienne Westwood’s international shoe exhibition; Unilever awards Damco new cross-border transport contracts to Cambodia; RichLand Logistics wins new marine logistics contract worth about S$10 million; Kontane Logistics extends its partnership with Behr America Service Parts; China Cargo Airlines appoints…

Raben improves connections between Czech Republic, Austria and Hungary

Raben Logistics has introduced a new connection to Austria to enable customers from the whole Czech Republic to transport goods by groupage to Austria within 48 hours.   Companies operating in the region of South Moravia will benefit from even shorter standard delivery times – within just 24 hours. The new connection has been enabled…

Hub Group acquires Exel Transportation Services

Hub Group has purchased Exel Transportation Services (ETS) for $83 million.  ETS is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hub Group, operating independently under the name Mode Transportation.   According to Hub Group chairman & CEO David Yeager, Mode Transportation is the strongest third-party agent network in the industry, with a diverse portfolio of solutions, including…

Transplace acquires SCO Logistics

Transplace has acquired SCO Logistics, a Philadelphia-based logistics services company focused on providing logistics services to the chemical industry.   Terms of the transaction were not disclosed. According to Transplace president & CEO Tom Sanderson, bringing the SCO Logistics team on board presents Transplace with a significant opportunity to serve a new set of customers….

Port of Workington to become a logistics gateway to Europe

The Port of Workington in Cumbria is working with rail freight operator Direct Rail Services (DRS) and supply chain specialist TDG to open up a new containerised end-to-end logistics option at the North West Port.   This collaboration will develop the port into a significant container and logistics hub for the UK’s North West region….

Kuehne + Nagel opens logistics hub for Airbus

Kuehne + Nagel has officially opened of its new aviation logistics hub in Montoir-de-Bretagne in Western France. The facility has been designed to handle the entire production logistics of Airbus‘ manufacturing plants at Nantes and Saint-Nazaire.     Kuehne + Nagel has been the exclusive Lead Logistics Provider (LLP) for Airbus in Europe since 2008,…

Cybit und Masternaut werden Europas führender Telematik-Anbieter

Die Branchenspezialisten für Lösungen zur Fahrzeugortung sowie für das Flotten- und Fahrermanagement Cybit und Masternaut  haben sich  zur Gründung eines gemeinsamen, europaweit agierenden Telematik-Unternehmens  zusammengeschlossen. Das neue Unternehmen wird den Namen Masternaut beibehalten und mit über 500 Mitarbeitern einen Kundenstamm von 10.000 Kunden in 32 Ländern betreuen. Es wird branchenführende Produkte und Dienstleistungen anbieten und…

TomTom verbessert Fahrsicherheit mit ‚Active Driver Feedback’

TomTom kündigt heute ‚Active Driver Feedback’ und WEBFLEET OptiDrive™ an. Die beiden neuen Funktionen sind darauf ausgerichtet, Fahrsicherheit und Effizienz für Unternehmen weiter zu verbessern. ‚Active Driver Feedback’ bietet Fahrern eine direkte Rückmeldung der Fahrleistung über das Display der TomTom PRO Navigationsgeräte und fördert so die Fahrsicherheit. WEBFLEET OptiDrive™ liefert dem Unternehmensmanagement ein einfaches Werkzeug,…

Sievert Handel Transporte erweitert Kapazitäten für Lagerlogistik

Umschlags- und Lagerhalle in Leipzig in Betrieb genommen // Flexible Kombination von Hallen- und Außenlagerflächen // Komplettes Leistungsspektrum auf transport logistic präsentiert Die Sievert Handel Transporte GmbH (sht) baut ihr Angebot für die verladende Industrie weiter aus: Um die Beschaffungs- und Distributionslogistik für Kunden noch bedarfsgerechter gestalten zu können, hat das Unternehmen mit Hauptsitz im…

Siemens VAI liefert Walzwerk für Langprodukte aus rostfreiem Stahl nach Indien

Siemens VAI Metals Technologies wird für die indische Viraj Profiles Ltd., den weltweit zweitgrößten Erzeuger von Rostfrei-Langprodukten, ein neues Walzwerk für Stabstahl und Leichtprofile aus rostfreiem Stahl errichten. Das Projekt umfasst das Design, die Projektierung und die Lieferung von mechanischer Ausrüstung sowie Elektro- und Automatisierungstechnik. Das Auftragsvolumen liegt im zweistelligen Millionen-Euro-Bereich. Die Anlage soll Anfang…

Seit 40 Jahren für Kühne + Nagel im Einsatz

Grund zu Feiern gab es bei Kühne + Nagel am Montag: Reinhard Lange, CEO der weltweit operierenden Logistikgruppe, beging sein 40-jähriges Dienstjubiläum. Fundiertes Fachwissen, Managementkompetenz, Teamgeist und grosses Engagement für das Unternehmen zeichnen den Jubilar aus. Am Kühne + Nagel-Hauptsitz in Schindellegi wurde anlässlich des besonderen Jubiläums von Reinhard Lange eine Feier ausgerichtet. Karl Gernandt,…

Ausbau in Italien mit Stärke und unternehmerischem Augenmaß

„Die Eröffnung von Colleferro als großer Standort in Rom reiht sich ein in unsere Expansionsgeschichte in Gesamteuropa, die wir mit Stärke aber auch mit unternehmerischem Augenmaß stetig vorantreiben“, sagte Dr. Stefan Kurrle, stellv. CEO der Fiege Gruppe, bei der offiziellen Eröffnungsfeier am 7. April 2011 vor rund 150 geladenen Gästen aus Politik und Wirtschaft. Das…

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