DHL provides eco-friendly mail services for FIFA Women’s World Cup

Deutsche Post DHL is handling the dispatch and delivery of tickets for the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2011, with more than 100,000 ticket buyers receiving their tickets by mail using Deutsche Post’s environmentally friendly GOGREEN service. According to Steffi Jones, president of the World Cup Organising Committee, more than 680,000 tickets have already been sold,…

PH launches logistics facility in Portland, Oregon

The Philippines and the State of Oregon in the US have further strengthened economic ties with the Philippines‘ recent launch of a logistics facility in the port city of Portland, the state’s main port. The launch comes three months after Manila-based International Container Terminal Services Inc (ICTSI) took over operations of Terminal 6 in the…

News from ODFL

Old Dominion Freight Line has relocated and expanded its San Jose Service Centre, and opened a new container drayage facility in Alabama. Old Dominion Freight Line has relocated its San Jose Service Centre to an expanded and upgraded facility in response to sustained growth in the region. During the last three-and-a-half-years, the San Jose Service…

DHL invests €100m in Asia Pacific air network enhancements

DHL is investing €100 million with the addition of three Boeing 747-400 Converted Freighters (BCFs) to its Asia Air Network. Operated by Air Hong Kong, a joint venture between Cathay Pacific and DHL, the three B747-400 BCFs with a payload of 100 tonnes each will service three high capacity routes six days a week: Tokyo…

News from Boeing

GCAS orders two 747-8 freighters; 747-8 freighter completes transatlantic biofuel flight. GE Capital Aviation Services (GECAS) has agreed to purchase two Boeing 747-8 freighters.  The introduction of the 747-8F into its fleet will broaden GECAS’s cargo portfolio with a high demand freighter that has a well-established operator base. The 747-8F offers cargo airlines the lowest…

CEVA identifies improvements for public healthcare supply chains

Research conducted on behalf of CEVA Logistics has identified opportunities to improve supply chain management in the public healthcare sector. Logistics in the public healthcare sector is often considered a non-strategic activity, leading to it being managed in a traditional manner. The results of the research demonstrate that efficient and advanced logistics can tangibly improve the…

Crane Worldwide Logistics launches iPhone app

Crane Worldwide Logistics has launched a new iPhone application to give customers control of their supply chains. Designed in a user friendly format, users simply enter their shipping information to receive up-to-the-minute shipment status of their air or ocean shipments. The CraneMobile track & trace milestones provide important shipment details, such as "Confirmed on Board",…

Dachser builds second facility in Frankfurt; opens Eurohub in Bratislava

Dachser has begun construction on its new Frankfurt Ost logistics centre in Erlensee near Hanau, and has opened a new logistics hub in Bratislava for Central and Eastern Europe. Dachser is investing €16 million until March 2012 in its new Frankfurt Ost logistics centre in Erlensee near Hanau, creating capacities for further sustained growth in…

Lufthansa Cargo Charter opens new office in Miami

Lufthansa Cargo Charter Agency has opened an office in Miami, Florida, which will function as the basis for customer liaison and the development of the Latin American market. Lufthansa Cargo Charter’s office in Chicago has been responsible for the Americas region since 2002. The Miami office is headed by Roland Vimo, an Argentinian with a…

OAG Cargo launches enhanced AFRA product

OAG Cargo has released an enhanced and upgraded version of its AFRA Air Freight Rates application – an online real-time rate management and distribution product originally launched in Western Europe in 2003. The optimised AFRA product is expected to become the standard for air freight rates management by airlines and their customers. The application is…

Longer trucks will decimate rail freight, says RFG

Rail Freight Group has voiced its concern at UK government proposals to extend the length of articulated lorries by up to 2.05 metres. The Dept for Transport consultation, which closes today, outlines plans to permit lorries of up to 18.75 metres to operate in the UK, despite the devastating impact that this would have for…

German postal regulator rules on anti-competitive behaviour

PostNL, and its German subsidiary TNT Post Germany, welcome the decision of German postal regulator, against Deutsche Post and its subsidiary First Mail. The Bundesnetzagentur has determined in proceedings against First Mail Düsseldorf and Deutsche Post, in consultation with the Federal Cartel Office, that the German Postal Act has been breached in terms of pricing…

News from DHL

DHL inaugurates its new gateway in Casablanca, Morocco; and launches a new solution to focus on the after-sales market of the hi-tech sector. DHL has opened its €5.5 million DHL Express gateway in at Mohammed V International Airport in Casablanca. The 6,800 m² gateway is DHL’s first facility of such scale in Morocco. Equipped with…

DSV fights €23.6m fine for subsidiary

The Italian authorities have imposed a fine of €23.6 million on DSV’s Italian subsidiary, Saima Avandero, relating to alleged violations of competition laws. DSV took over Saima Avandero in connection with the 2008 acquisition of ABX Logistics. Saima Avandero and other transport companies have been investigated by the Italian authorities for alleged competition law violations…

Damco launches app for all major mobile platforms

Damco has released an application for all of the major mobile platforms: iPhone / iPad, Android and Blackberry. The new app enables customers to get an overview on the status of the logistics services provided to them by Damco.Damco is the first logistics provider in the industry to offer its customers apps on all important mobile…

Spedition Jöbstl eröffnet Zubau in Wundschuh

Neubau erhöht die Umschlagkapazität der Spedition Jöbstl am südsteirischen Standort Wundschuh: In der Logistikanlage der Spedition Jöbstl am Standort Wundschuh bei Graz geht in diesen Tagen ein Zubau in Betrieb. Die mit 3,5 Mio. Euro Gesamtaufwand realisierte Erweiterung bewirkt eine deutliche Steigerung der Umschlagkapazität des Standortes. Entstanden ist eine Anlage mit 2.7000 m² Fläche und…

Hellmann verschifft ersten ‚grünen’ Seefrachtcontainer

CO2 neutrale Transportlogistik von Kreidezeit Naturfarben und Hellmann Worldwide Logistics erfährt Ausdehnung auf den Seeweg:   Kreidezeit Naturfarben GmbH transportiert nun auch auf dem Seeweg CO2-neutral. Mit dem ersten klimaneutralen Seefrachtcontainer erweitert das Unternehmen die nachhaltige Zusammenarbeit mit Hellmann Worldwide Logistics. Der erste ‚grüne’ Seefrachtcontainer reist in diesen Tagen klimaneutral in die USA. „Uns gefällt…

Hamburg Süd Gruppe fand 2010 wieder auf Kurs

Deutliche Steigerung der Transportmengen und der Umsatzerlöse bei der Reedereigruppe Hamburg Süd im Jahr 2010:   Auch bei der Hamburg Süd Gruppe, einem Geschäftsbereich der Oetker Gruppe, stand das Jahr 2010 unter dem Zeichen der Erholung der Weltkonjunktur. Die Gesellschaft, zu der auch die brasilianische Reederei Aliança gehört, profitierte nach dem historischen Krisenjahr 2009 von…

Zusätzliche Frachter und Angebotserweiterung bei Saudi Airlines Cargo

Saudi Airlines Cargo eröffnet Liniendienst nach N`Djamena und erweitert das Frachterprogramm nach Brüssel und Amsterdam:   Die Nurfrachter-Flotte von Saudi Airlines Cargo bekommt Zuwachs in Form von drei zusätzlichen Maschinen vom Typ Boeing 747F. In einer Presseaussendung kündigt die Fluggesellschaft den Ausbau der Aktivitäten im Luftfracht-Linienverkehr und ein stärkeres Engagement im Bereich der internationalen Luftfrachtcharterdienste…

Jöbstl forwarding company opens additional building in Wundschuh

New building increases throughput capacity of Jöbstl forwarding company at its site in Wundschuh, southern Styria: These days an additional building of the logistics facility of the Jöbstl forwarding company at the site in Wundschuh near Graz starts operating. The expansion implemented with a total investment of EUR 3.5 million increases considerably the throughput capacity…

Hellmann ships first ,green‘ sea freight container

CO2-neutral transport logistics of Kreidezeit Naturfarben and Hellmann Worldwide Logistics to be expanded to the sea way: Kreidezeit Naturfarben GmbH is to transport CO2-neutrally also on the seaway. With the first climate neutral sea freight container the enterprise enhances its sustainable cooperation with Hellmann Worldwide Logistics. The first ,green‘ sea freight container is travelling climate-neutrally…

Hamburg Süd Group was back on track again in 2010

Considerably rising transport volume and increasing sales revenues with shipping group Hamburg Süd in 2010: Also the Hamburg Süd group, a division of the Oetker Group, benefited rom the recovery of the global economy in the year 2010. Following the historic crisis year of 2009 the company benefited from a resurgent world economy along with…

Additional freighters and expanded offering with Saudi Airlines Cargo

Saudi Airlines Cargo launches scheduled service N`Djamena and increases freighter frequencies to Brussels and to Amsterdam:   Saudi Airlines Cargo grows its freighter fleet by 3 additional B747’s. In a press release the airline announces that it plans to increase frequencies on the scheduled cargo services and create more capacity for the international charter market….

Menschen in Bewegung, Karl Ritsch

DI Dr. Karl Ritsch ist seit Mitte April interimistischer Geschäftsführer der ACstyria Autocluster GmbH. Der Lehrbeauftragte der FH Joanneum studierte Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Maschinenbau an der TU Graz mit den Schwerpunkten Industrielles Management, Energie & Umwelttechnik sowie Wissens- und Innovationsmanagement. Heute ist er zudem für die Steirische Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft mbH – SFG tätig. Davor sammelte er u.a. Erfahrung…

Menschen in Bewegung, Wolfgang Steigenberger

Mag. Wolfgang Steigenberger (44) verstärkt als neuer Vizedirektor das Führungsteam von Austrian Standards. Bisher war Steigenberger nicht nur Vorstandsdirektor beim Baustoffhersteller Murexin AG Österreich, wo er unter anderem für das gesamte Auslandsgeschäft verantwortlich war, sondern auch Geschäftsführer eines Maschinen- und Anlagenherstellers. Der studierte Wirtschaftswissenschafter mit Auslandssemester in Südkorea ist verheiratet, hat zwei Kinder und lebt…

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