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Cathay Pacific opens Hong Kong cargo terminal

Cathay Pacific has officially opened its new cargo terminal at Hong Kong International Airport. Operations at the HK$5.9 billion facility have been ramping up over the past few months and it is now fully operational. Chief executive John Slosar said: „“The Cathay Pacific Cargo Terminal is one of the world’s biggest, and also most sophisticated,…

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Learn what makes GlaxoSmithKline a winner

It’s hard enough to win one award, let alone two, but GlaxoSmithKline did just that when the company excelled in the 2013 European Supply Chain Excellence Awards. Having impressed the judges, GSK was named winner of both the Health & Pharmaceutical and Sourcing & Procurement categories at the prestigious event. In April, global category leader…

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Crane sees increase in revenue

Crane Worldwide Logistics has reported an annual increase in revenue of more than 21 per cent, for its fifth year of business in 2013, compared to 2012. Crane reported a total revenue of $574 million in 2013, having opened new offices, increased its market share, and strengthened its IT and compliance services in the same…

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How Diageo drives supply chain improvement

Everyone wants to drive operational improvements across the supply chain, but saying that is one thing, achieving it is quite a different matter. Where are the most significant improvements to be achieved and where should companies focus their activity. Sue McGeorge, GB supply chain director at Diageo, will focus on such issues in her opening…

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Norbert seeks 15pc fuel saving from combustion enhancement

Norbert Dentressangle is taking part in a six-month field trial of a new combustion enhancement system, which promises to improve fuel efficiency by more than 15 per cent. The new EASI-LPG system was developed by vehicle monitoring equipment supplier, Btrack, and has attracted £92,000 co-funding from the UK’s Technology Strategy Board. Six companies are taking…

Easypack verzeichnet erneut Umsatzwachstum

Der Spezialist für umweltfreundliche Verpackungssysteme setzt das solide Wachstum im vierten Jahr fort. Neue Mitarbeiter im Außendienst sowie neue Verpackungsmaschinen haben zum Wachstum beigetragen Im Geschäftsjahr 2013 konnte Easypack ein Wachstum von 14 Prozent verzeichnen und damit die Erfolgsgeschichte der vergangenen Jahre fortschreiben. „Das Geschäftsergebnis zeigt deutlich, dass wir die richtige Strategie verfolgen“, freut sich…


Toyota picks Unipart for distribution in Kolkata

Toyota has chosen Unipart to handle distribution operations in Kolkata (Calcutta).This is Unipart’s second logistics contract with Toyota in India. The first contract started at the Bangalore site in March 2012. „The Toyota distribution centre was already at a very high standard, but Toyota wanted to take the next step and improve performance even further,”…

Absichtserklärung für den Bau von Liegeplatz 4 bei Cuxport unterzeichnet

Olaf Lies, Niedersächsischer Minister für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Verkehr, sowie Dr. Andreas Schmidt und Hans-Peter Zint als Geschäftsführer von Cuxport, haben heute in Cuxhaven ein Memorandum of Understanding für den Bau des Liegeplatzes 4 auf dem Cuxport-Terminal unterzeichnet. Bei Cuxport werden nach der geplanten Realisierung des Projektes im Frühjahr 2017 dann weitere 290 Meter Pierlänge…

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Apply common sense to congestion charge

CitySprint has called for common sense and a tiered approach to the proposed increase to London’s congestion charge, in a recent consultation meeting with Transport for London. TfL is currently in talks on increasing the standard daily congestion charge in London, from £10 to £11.50. CitySprint reckons it has spent more than £1 million on…

Start für neues GLS Depot im Süden Wiens

Nach sieben Monaten Bauzeit hat GLS Austria heute den Neubau in Steinabrückl in Betrieb genommen. 3,6 Millionen Euro investierte der Paket- und Expressdienstleister in das neue Depot, das für Spitzen von bis zu 15.000 Paketen täglich ausgelegt ist. „Niederösterreich ist ein wirtschaftlich starkes Bundesland“, sagt Klaus Schädle, Managing Director Europe South bei GLS. „In den…


Motorola Solutions präsentiert auf der LogiMAT 2014 die nächste Generation von Kommunikationslösungen für die optimale Aufgabenerfüllung in Lager und Logistik

Motorola Solutions präsentiert auf der LogiMAT 2014 in Stuttgart (25.-27. Februar, Stand 441 in Halle 4) seine neuesten mobilen Kommunikationslösungen für mehr Effizienz, Transparenz und eine höhere Produktivität in Lager- und Logistikprozessen. Unter dem Motto „The Path to Flawless Fulfillment“ zeigt Motorola, wie Unternehmen ihre Arbeitsabläufe optimieren können – zum Beispiel in der Inbound- und…

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New dual fuel station for Arla Foods

European supplier of liquefied gas fuel, Gasrec, has opened a dedicated Bio-LNG filling station at Arla Foods‘ new £150 million dairy in Aylesbury. Farmer-owned co-operative Arla Foods processes some 3.2 billion litres of milk a year throughout Europe. Its UK clients include brands such as Cravendale, Lurpak, Castello, and Anchor. The two companies have been…

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Farralls and Fagan launch 4PL

Farralls Transport has teamed up with Fagan &Whalley, to launch a new 4PL company, FF&W, in response to growing market demand for logistics solutions and fully managed supply chain services. Based in the North West, the two logistics specialists have a combination of more than 140 years of experience within the sector, with a total…

Kombiverkehr überwacht Züge rund um die Uhr, jetzt auch am Wochenende

Damit Spediteure und Transportunternehmer jederzeit aktuell über alle Züge von Kombiverkehr informiert sind, auf denen sie Sendungen transportieren lassen, ist die Transportüberwachung des größten europäischen Kombi-Operateurs seit diesem Monat rund um die Uhr besetzt. Auch an Feiertagen und Wochenenden. Damit hat das Unternehmen die letzte Lücke geschlossen, die bisher zwischen Samstag 16:00 Uhr und Sonntag…

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HGV levy sparks concern among forwarders

Rising concerns over the HGV levy, which comes in from 1st April, have led the British International Freight Association to produce additional guidance for freight forwarders. The levy is being introduced by the new HGV Road User Levy Act 2013 and UK registered vehicles will pay the levy alongside their vehicle excise duty. Vehicles registered…

Erster Containerliniendienst zwischen Hamburg und dem Schwarzen Meer

Die französische Reederei CMA CGM erweitert ihr Liniendienstangebot ab Hamburg und nimmt erstmals Häfen im Schwarzen Meer in den Fahrplan auf. Heute startet die CMA CGM LAVENDER ihre Reise im erweiterten Nordeuropa-Mittelmeer Vollcontainerdienst FEMEX 1 am HHLA Container Terminal Burchardkai in Hamburg. Zum ersten Mal wird sie auch durch den Bosporus die am Schwarzen Meer…

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FTA names new commercial director

Karen Crispe has been appointed commercial director at the Freight Transport Association, where she will head all sales and marketing activities, as of April 2014. With more than 15 years of experience working within the road transport industry, Crispe joins from her nine-year role of managing director at Tachodisc. She will also help shape the…

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DX sets out plan to float on AIM

DX, the mail, parcels and logistics network operator, is to float on AIM, the London Stock Exchange market for smaller companies, through an initial public offering (IPO). DX was established in 1975, and delivered some 170 million items in 2013. Petar Cvetkovic, Chief Executive Officer of DX said: “We are delighted to announce our plans…

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CILT calls for shift to road occupancy tax for lorries

The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport has called for goods vehicle taxation to be replaced by a lorry user charging system based on road occupancy.   The idea is put forward in a report, UK Freight Planning to 2035, which examines the challenges facing the future growth of logistics capability in the UK. It also…

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£5m dividend for Palletforce members

Palletforce shareholder members are to share nearly £5 million – the biggest pay out in the network’s 13 year history. The dividend was agreed at Palletforce’s annual meeting last month, following increases in volumes and profits. Chief executive Michael Conroy said: “As we don’t have professional equity investors to satisfy or debt to finance, we…

Logistikum Steyr veröffentlicht den Logistik Report Austria

Prof. (FH) Dr. Friedrich Starkl ist am Logistikum der FH OÖ am Campus für Management in Steyr für den Bereich Verkehrslogistik verantwortlich. Sein F&E Team am Logistikum arbeitet mit den unterschiedlichsten Forschungseinrichtungen im In- und Ausland und Logistik-Unternehmen zusammen. Erster Logistik Report in Österreich Wenn es um Zahlen, Daten und Fakten zum österreichischen Markt für…

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FedEx expands SenseAware network

FedEx has expanded its SenseAware network to 14 countries across Europe. The service, for sensitive products such as pharmaceuticals, includes monitoring of temperature, light exposure, relative humidity, shock and barometric pressure. “As today’s global business environment becomes increasingly complex, information has never been more critical to organisation,” said Carlo Novi, managing director, Sales, HealthCare Solutions,…

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FTA calls for answers on freight at Commonwealth Games

The Freight Transport Association has written to the organisers of the Commonwealth Games, which take place in Glasgow, later this year asking for detailed information on the impact of the games on the transport network in the city. In particular, it wants details of expected congestion – what roads are forecast to be impacted and…

Bob und Logistik „Made in Germany“ für das jamaikanische Bob-Team

Sonne, Sand und Reggea-Klänge in Sotschi: zum ersten Mal seit dem Jahr 2002 waren die jamaikanischen Bobhelden wieder am Start in einem olympischen  Eiskanal. Viel Unterstützung wurde dem Team dabei aus Deutschland zuteil: Der Carbon-Bob stammt von Franz Wimmer aus Traunstein, und für den Transport des sensiblen Gerätes von Jamaika nach Sotschi sorgt der Frankfurter…

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UPS buys Polar Speed

UPS has bought Polar Speed, the UK-based provider of temperature-sensitive pharmaceutical supply chain services as part of its strategy to strengthen its healthcare network across Europe. Polar Speed specialises in active temperature-controlled deliveries to hospitals, pharmacies, wholesalers and surgery centres as well as end patients. It uses a fleet of 118 actively monitored temperature-controlled vehicles…

Sotschi 2014: Logistik-Gold für Air Charter Service

Die XXII. Olympischen Winterspiele in Sotschi waren für Sportler, Fans und Organisatoren eine enorme Herausforderung. Ein Grund dafür waren Kapazitätsengpässe am Flughafen Sotschi-Adler (AER). Dennoch konnte Air Charter Service (ACS), weltweit führender Anbieter von Charterflügen, nicht nur seine Passagiere pünktlich und sicher nach Südrussland bringen, sondern lieferte aus dem belgischen Lüttich kommend auch rechtzeitig dringend…

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Logistical problem? Get your yellow card out

We all know the purpose of yellow cards in football, but it seems they are the way forward for the logistics industry, according to DHL and Birds Eye. In a joint presentation at this year’s Logistics Manager Summit, DHL’s vice president operations, Gavin Lucas, and Birds Eye’s group distribution manager, Peter Broome, took to the…


Toyota invests £7 million in emergency fleet

Toyota Material Handling UK has invested seven million pounds in its short-term hire fleet, meaning more than 3,500 trucks are now available for customers who need an emergency replacement, or are experiencing unexpected demand and seasonal peaks. Toyota says the investment enables it to offer customers a greater choice and availability of the latest models….

Wachstum auf unruhigem Markt

Insgesamt 11,3 Millionen Sendungen – damit haben die Partnerunternehmen von IDS 2013 eine neue Rekordmenge erreicht. Der Umsatz von Deutschlands größter Kooperation für Stückguttransporte lag bei 1,74 Mrd. Euro (+ 1,7 Prozent gegenüber 2012). Für 2014 erwartet IDS wieder deutliche Mengen- und Umsatzsteigerungen. „Der Sendungszuwachs von 0,8 Prozent im Gesamtjahr spiegelt nur teilweise die Dynamik…

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European sports win for Norbert

Sporting goods firm Amer Sports has awarded Norbert Dentressangle a ten-year contract extension, to take responsibility of its entire European logistics operation. The company is also building a new 52,000 sq m automated warehouse in Lyon, France, due to be complete in 2015, to support the deal. It says the new facility will improve customer…

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