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FTA names new commercial director

Karen Crispe has been appointed commercial director at the Freight Transport Association, where she will head all sales and marketing activities, as of April 2014. With more than 15 years of experience working within the road transport industry, Crispe joins from her nine-year role of managing director at Tachodisc. She will also help shape the…

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DX sets out plan to float on AIM

DX, the mail, parcels and logistics network operator, is to float on AIM, the London Stock Exchange market for smaller companies, through an initial public offering (IPO). DX was established in 1975, and delivered some 170 million items in 2013. Petar Cvetkovic, Chief Executive Officer of DX said: “We are delighted to announce our plans…

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CILT calls for shift to road occupancy tax for lorries

The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport has called for goods vehicle taxation to be replaced by a lorry user charging system based on road occupancy.   The idea is put forward in a report, UK Freight Planning to 2035, which examines the challenges facing the future growth of logistics capability in the UK. It also…

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£5m dividend for Palletforce members

Palletforce shareholder members are to share nearly £5 million – the biggest pay out in the network’s 13 year history. The dividend was agreed at Palletforce’s annual meeting last month, following increases in volumes and profits. Chief executive Michael Conroy said: “As we don’t have professional equity investors to satisfy or debt to finance, we…

Logistikum Steyr veröffentlicht den Logistik Report Austria

Prof. (FH) Dr. Friedrich Starkl ist am Logistikum der FH OÖ am Campus für Management in Steyr für den Bereich Verkehrslogistik verantwortlich. Sein F&E Team am Logistikum arbeitet mit den unterschiedlichsten Forschungseinrichtungen im In- und Ausland und Logistik-Unternehmen zusammen. Erster Logistik Report in Österreich Wenn es um Zahlen, Daten und Fakten zum österreichischen Markt für…

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FedEx expands SenseAware network

FedEx has expanded its SenseAware network to 14 countries across Europe. The service, for sensitive products such as pharmaceuticals, includes monitoring of temperature, light exposure, relative humidity, shock and barometric pressure. “As today’s global business environment becomes increasingly complex, information has never been more critical to organisation,” said Carlo Novi, managing director, Sales, HealthCare Solutions,…

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FTA calls for answers on freight at Commonwealth Games

The Freight Transport Association has written to the organisers of the Commonwealth Games, which take place in Glasgow, later this year asking for detailed information on the impact of the games on the transport network in the city. In particular, it wants details of expected congestion – what roads are forecast to be impacted and…

Bob und Logistik „Made in Germany“ für das jamaikanische Bob-Team

Sonne, Sand und Reggea-Klänge in Sotschi: zum ersten Mal seit dem Jahr 2002 waren die jamaikanischen Bobhelden wieder am Start in einem olympischen  Eiskanal. Viel Unterstützung wurde dem Team dabei aus Deutschland zuteil: Der Carbon-Bob stammt von Franz Wimmer aus Traunstein, und für den Transport des sensiblen Gerätes von Jamaika nach Sotschi sorgt der Frankfurter…

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UPS buys Polar Speed

UPS has bought Polar Speed, the UK-based provider of temperature-sensitive pharmaceutical supply chain services as part of its strategy to strengthen its healthcare network across Europe. Polar Speed specialises in active temperature-controlled deliveries to hospitals, pharmacies, wholesalers and surgery centres as well as end patients. It uses a fleet of 118 actively monitored temperature-controlled vehicles…

Sotschi 2014: Logistik-Gold für Air Charter Service

Die XXII. Olympischen Winterspiele in Sotschi waren für Sportler, Fans und Organisatoren eine enorme Herausforderung. Ein Grund dafür waren Kapazitätsengpässe am Flughafen Sotschi-Adler (AER). Dennoch konnte Air Charter Service (ACS), weltweit führender Anbieter von Charterflügen, nicht nur seine Passagiere pünktlich und sicher nach Südrussland bringen, sondern lieferte aus dem belgischen Lüttich kommend auch rechtzeitig dringend…

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Logistical problem? Get your yellow card out

We all know the purpose of yellow cards in football, but it seems they are the way forward for the logistics industry, according to DHL and Birds Eye. In a joint presentation at this year’s Logistics Manager Summit, DHL’s vice president operations, Gavin Lucas, and Birds Eye’s group distribution manager, Peter Broome, took to the…


Toyota invests £7 million in emergency fleet

Toyota Material Handling UK has invested seven million pounds in its short-term hire fleet, meaning more than 3,500 trucks are now available for customers who need an emergency replacement, or are experiencing unexpected demand and seasonal peaks. Toyota says the investment enables it to offer customers a greater choice and availability of the latest models….

Wachstum auf unruhigem Markt

Insgesamt 11,3 Millionen Sendungen – damit haben die Partnerunternehmen von IDS 2013 eine neue Rekordmenge erreicht. Der Umsatz von Deutschlands größter Kooperation für Stückguttransporte lag bei 1,74 Mrd. Euro (+ 1,7 Prozent gegenüber 2012). Für 2014 erwartet IDS wieder deutliche Mengen- und Umsatzsteigerungen. „Der Sendungszuwachs von 0,8 Prozent im Gesamtjahr spiegelt nur teilweise die Dynamik…

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European sports win for Norbert

Sporting goods firm Amer Sports has awarded Norbert Dentressangle a ten-year contract extension, to take responsibility of its entire European logistics operation. The company is also building a new 52,000 sq m automated warehouse in Lyon, France, due to be complete in 2015, to support the deal. It says the new facility will improve customer…

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Moloney heads JAUPT board

Chief executive of Skills for Logistics, Ross Moloney, has been appointed chairman of the Joint Approvals Unit for Periodic Training board. JAUPT manages all Driver CPC training courses applications from approved centres. It also manages the approval and quality assurance of centres and courses delivering periodic training. “This places Skills for Logistics as the voice…

Datamax-O’Neil ernennt Ged Cairns zum Sales Manager für die EMEA-Region

Datamax-O’Neil, ein weltweit führender Anbieter von stationären, portablen und mobilen Etiketten- und Belegdruckern, hat Ged Cairns zum Sales Manager für die EMEA-Region ernannt. In dieser Position verantwortet er die Entwicklung und Implementierung von Vertriebsstrategien in der Region und leitet das EMEA-Vertriebsteam von Datamax-O’Neil. „Datamax-O’Neil ist in den vergangenen Jahren in EMEA kontinuierlich gewachsen und wir…

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New distribution model could increase sales by 20 per cent, says eBay

eBay Enterprise’s Ship-From-Store solution could increase the average retailer’s sales by 20 per cent, according to the company’s recent customer analysis. The new distribution model aims to allow retailers and brands to turn their stores into virtual distribution centres, using local store inventory to fulfil online orders, and sourcing products from the most efficient locations….

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Honda UK renews with Yusen

Honda UK has extended its inbound distributioncontract with Yusen Logistics, to support the Swindon-based production of the Honda Civic, CRV, and Jazz models. The two companies began their partnership in 2006, when Honda appointed Yusen to convert its UK suppliers from delivers to ex-works. In 2011 Yusen was then named Honda’s sole provider for UK…

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Logistics Link South hailed a success

Logistics Link South was hailed a success after visitors braved the rainstorms to make their way to Sandown Park for the first day of the exhibition. Snapfulfil, Chess, Apex Linvar, Flexi, Inotec and Red Ledge were just some of the exhibitors reporting a good level of inquiries. There was also strong interest in Port to…

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Salaries rising by 7pc in supply chain

Year-on-year pay for supply chain and procurement specialists is rising by up to seven per cent of base salary, according to a survey by recruiter Robert Walters. It found that shortages of quality professionals were a key challenge for employers, particularly when seeking to fill less experienced roles. And it said a growing number of…

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Contracts under scrutiny at LM Summit

More than 60 per cent of respondents to the 2013 Logistics Manager State of the Market survey indicated that they operated a rolling 3PL contract with no fixed term. Is this the future of contract logistics? And are traditional, fixed term contracts still suitable or are flexible/rolling contracts the way of the future? These are…

NEW: Austria’s container importers – an overview on more than 100,000 TEU

Compact overview available with the publishing house of the OEVZ for the first time: Austria’s companies and their container imports from overseas It is not just Austria’s wholesalers, distributors and import subsidiaries of multinationals who receive containerised goods from overseas on a regular basis. Also companies from the producing industry receive components from all over…

EUR 3.6 million-investment: GLS opens its second eco-depot in Austria

New depot of GLS Austria in Steinabrückl allows faster service for customers and recipients in Vienna’s 23rd district Following a seven months-construction period GLS Austria has started operating its new building in Steinabrückl on Monday. The parcel and express service provider has invested about EUR 3.6 million into the site, which has a peak capacity…

Eva Air Cargo managed delicate transport mission to Vienna

Eva Air Cargo carried the world’s smallest mammal to Vienna; from February 25 the bumblebee bat will be exhibited in the Vienna Museum of Natural History In the frame of the special exhibition “trading in death – the final mass extinction?“ in the Vienna Museum of Natural History a new object will be presented from…

Improved conditions for transport to the Czech Republic with TFG Transfracht

A special offer valid until March 31, 2014 for transportations with the AlbatrosExpress of TFG Transfracht from Hamburg to Prague With immediate effect TFG Transfracht offers improved conditions for transportations with the AlbatrosExpress to Prague and the surrounding area. “A special offer starting from EUR 474 per 40’ container for transports to Prague, Lovosice is…

NEU: Österreichs Containerimporteure – mehr als 100.000 TEU im Überblick

Erstmals als kompakte Übersicht im Verlag der ÖVZ erhältlich: Österreichische Unternehmen und ihre Containerimporte aus Übersee Nicht nur österreichische Großhandelsunternehmen, Distributoren und die Importtöchter von multinationalen Konzernen empfangen regelmäßige Containerlieferungen mit Waren aus Übersee. Auch Betriebe aus der produzierende Industrie in Österreich beziehen Bauteile aus allen Teilen der Welt. Auf Grund des regen Interesses aus…

GLS eröffnet neues Depot im Süden Wiens

Neuer Depotbetrieb von GLS Austria in Steinabrückl ermöglicht eine schnellere Bedienung der Kunden und Empfänger im 23. Wiener Gemeindebezirk Nach sieben Monaten Bauzeit hat GLS Austria zu Beginn der Woche den Neubau in Steinabrückl in Betrieb genommen. Der Paket- und Expressdienstleister investierte rund 3,6 Mio. Euro in den Standort, der auf Spitzen von bis zu…

Eva Air Cargo meisterte eine „heikle Transportmission“ nach Wien

Eva Air Cargo brachte das kleinste Säugetier der Welt nach Wien; ab 25. Februar wird die Hummelfledermaus im Naturhistorischen Museum ausgestellt Anlässlich der Sonderausstellung „Das Geschäft mit dem Tod – das letzte Artensterben?“ im Naturhistorischen Museum wird ab 25. Februar 2014 ein neues Objekt präsentiert: Ein Totfund der stark bedrohten Hummelfledermaus (Craseonycteris thonglongyai), die neben…

Verbesserte Konditionen für Transporte nach Tschechien bei TFG Transfracht

Bis 31. März 2014 kommen Transporte mit dem AlbatrosExpress der TFG Transfracht von Hamburg nach Prag in den Genuss einer Sonderaktion Ab sofort bietet TFG Transfracht verbesserte Konditionen für Transporte mit dem AlbatrosExpress nach Prag und Umgebung. „Bis zum 31. März 2014 gibt es eine Sonderaktion für Transporte nach Prag – Lovosice zum Preis ab…

Effiziente Güterströme: Das World Wide Web als Vorbild der Logistik

Ein Logistik-System nach dem Vorbild des World Wide Web: Die Vision des sogenannten „Physical Internet“ ist es, statt digitaler Datenpakete reale Güter um den Globus zu schicken, in genormten modularen Behältersystemen, gemeinsam genutzten Transportmitteln und über offene Netze. Im ersten physischen Beitrag zum „physischen“ Internet, dem EU-Projekt MODULUSHCA, spielt die TU Graz mit der Entwicklung…

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