
Stocker to head Gefco’s finished vehicle logistics

Gefco UK has appointed John Stocker finished vehicle logistics director responsible for overseeing all elements of the business, including developing and implementing strategy to drive commercial growth. Stocker joined Gefco as sales and marketing director in 2012, steering the development of a number of new business flows with major clients, in addition to developing the…


Norbert expands at Heathrow

Norbert Dentressangle’s freight forwarding division has relocated its Heathrow operation to larger premises. It has taken the lease on 9,000 sq ft of dedicated office and warehouse space at the Saxon Way Trading Estate in Harmondsworth, five minutes from Heathrow Airport. Hellmann Worldwide Logistics UK has employed a new international business manager for its fashion…


Supply chain disruption costs manufacturers £58m

Large UK manufacturers lost more than £58m dealing with the fall-out from supply chain disruptions in 2013, according to a study commissioned by risk management specialist Achilles. The total average cost of all supply chain disruptions was £105,000 per manufacturer. The survey found that manufacturers were hit hardest in 2013 by suppliers failing to deliver…


Trials start of 2 hour ‘store to door’ service

The UK’s first two hour time slot “store to door” delivery service for retailers across a shopping centre, is to be put on trial, run from a shopping centre by CitySprint, in partnership with Standard Life Investments. The service will enable customers to pick a two-hour time slot for delivery of their shopping, and allow…


Cladding contract for Wincanton

Materials provider Marley Eternit has awarded a four year contract for the distribution of cladding solutions to Wincanton. Building on its existing contract to distribute roof tiles, this new deal cements Wincanton’s relationship with the construction sector supplier, making it Marley Eternit’s sole distribution partner in the UK. The deal will see Wincanton distribute some…


DPD invests £75m in ‘biggest ever’ expansion

DPD is investing £75 million in 15 new depots in the UK including three new “super-depots” which will be capable of acting as mini-hubs handling 25,000 parcels a day each. The depots will replace or extend the capacity of DPD’s existing sites, with nine new facilities. CEO Dwain McDonald said: “As well as helping to…


Costs under scrutiny at Logistics Manager Summit

Managing global freight costs while maintaining product quality is a challenge for any organisation, but it poses particular problems in the pharmaceuticals sector. These challenges will come under scrutiny at the Logistics Manager Summit on 5th June in a presentation by Mark Edwards, global freight manager at Actavis, the global, pharmaceutical company focused on developing,…


Geodis Wilson appoints FMCG director

Geodis Wilson has appointed Mark Ness global industry director – FMCG. He is joining from DHL Supply Chain where he was vice-president development, transformational solutions from 2011. Ness has been more than 25 years in the logistics industry with a significant amount of time focused on the FMCG business, including  five years with Kellogg’s. Source:…


GSK explains award-winning supply chain transformation

GlaxoSmithKline cut lead times in its R&D lab supplies operation and more than doubled OTIF through a series of initiatives – and it went on to win not one, but two European Supply Chain Excellence Awards last year. Trevor Reay, GSK’s procurement director for R&D lab supplies, explained how the company implemented its transformation project…


Dell reinvents supply chain to meet new tech demands

Computer giant Dell has been reorganising its global supply chain to meet changing market requirements, Gearoid O’Donoghue,  director in Dell’s global procurement organisation, told delegates at the Logistics & Supply Chain Conference in London. The company has built a $57 billion business with its innovative configure to order (CTO) strategy for personal computers. However, O’Donoghue…


Asda picks Norbert to run recycling centre

Asda has extended its agreement with Norbert Dentressangle to include management of its new asset handling and recycling centre in Bristol. The 110,000 sq ft centre went live in February in support of Asda’s new Bristol distribution centre which opened in September last year. It  replaces a smaller tray wash operation and will provide a…


Deutsche Post DHL sets tough growth targets

Deutsche Post DHL has set out aggressive growth targets in a new five year plan which follows on from its current programme which runs to 2015. Entitled “Strategy 2020: Focus.Connect.Grow.”, the programme outlines the group’s strategic priorities including further expansion of logistics services in the world’s emerging markets and the international expansion of the company’s…


One size does not fit all in supply chain

It’s no use trying to make one size fit all in supply chain, Sue McGeorge, GB supply chain director at Diageo, told delegates in the opening session of the Logistics & Supply Chain Conference which is taking place in London today and tomorrow. Diageo, of course, is responsible for some of the world’s most iconic…


Honeywell launches new tech

Honeywell has launched a full range laser barcode scanner, The Granit 1280iFR, and new Vocollect voice technology solutions. The Granit 1280iFR scanner can read 100 mil retro-reflective labels from as far away as 16.5 metres and 7.5 mil codes as close as 8.9 cm. Honeywell says it is designed for unparalleled durability and continuous operation…

Logistikkonzept für die Chemiebranche

4PL Central Station hat für ein weiteres Chemieunternehmen die komplette Distributionssteuerung übernommen. Dies ist ein wesentlicher Schritt in der Entwicklung des Unternehmens zu dem führenden 4PL Dienstleister für die Chemiebranche. Um die Vielzahl der europäischen Spediteure einfach zu managen, bedient sich der Fourth-Party-Logistics Dienstleister 4PL Central Station der IT-Plattform AX4. Aufgrund der umfassenden Tätigkeiten für…


Ashwani Nath wird als neuer Global Vertical Market Director den Geschäftsbereich Fashion & Lifestyle, Retail, von Amsterdam/Niederlande aus leiten. Transport- und Supply-Chain-Lösungen für die Mode- und Retailbranche sind ein zunehmend wichtiger Markt für die Speditions-Division der Geodis Gruppe, die mit ihren Logistik-Dienstleistungen weltweit für zahlreiche führende Modemarken und Einzelhandelsketten tätig ist. Ashwani Nath bringt seine…

Containerumschlag-Index: Welthandel spürbar aufwärts gerichtet

Der Containerumschlag-Index des Rheinisch-Westfälischen Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung (RWI) und des Instituts für Seeverkehrswirtschaft und Logistik (ISL) ist im März von (korrigiert) 120,5 auf 122,6 gestiegen und erreichte damit seinen bisher höchsten Wert. Zwar dürfte er nach wie vor durch kurzfristige Verschiebungen aufgrund des chinesischen Neujahrsfestes beeinflusst sein. Im Verlauf des letzten Halbjahres hat der Index…

Witterung beeinträchtigt Geschäftsergebnisse von UPS im ersten Quartal

UPS hat am vergangenen Freitag die Geschäftsergebnisse für das erste Quartal 2014 bekanntgegeben. Der dilutierte Gewinn pro Aktie belief sich auf 0,98 USD und ging damit gegenüber den bereinigten Ergebnissen aus dem Vorjahresquartal um 0,06 USD zurück. Der Betriebsgewinn für das Quartal betrug 1,5 Milliarden USD, was einem Rückgang um 106 Millionen USD gegenüber dem…

Hoyer beteiligt sich an ChemLog Tracking and Tracing

Die Hamburger Hoyer-Gruppe ist Partner des EU-geförderten Projektes „ChemLog Tracking and Tracing (T&T)“. Intermodale Gefahrguttransporte im europäischen Raum sollen durch verbesserte GPS-Überwachung transparenter und sicherer werden. Ein speziell ausgerüsteter Tankcontainer von Hoyer ist dafür zurzeit europaweit unterwegs. Im Juli 2012 startete das Kooperationsprojekt „ChemLog T&T“. Beteiligt sind öffentliche Verwaltungen, Chemieverbände und Forschungseinrichtungen aus acht europäischen…

Historically best result of ÖBB’s cargo transport

Rail Cargo Group achieved record result in 2013 despite its withdrawal from difficult segments and slightly declining turnover For the cargo transport segment of ÖBB Holding the strategy „margin over volume“ pays off. Despite the transfer of activities in HGV traffic to the Transdanubia forwarding company (around EUR 50 million in sales volume), renunciation and…

Royal Burger Group sells its port agency activities

Royal Burger Group sells its daughter company B.P.A. B.V. (trade name S5 Agency World) in a full cash deal to investors represented by Karel Peters Koninklijke Burger Groep B.V. (Royal Burger Group) announced last week that it has reached an agreement to sell its port agency activities in a full cash deal to investors. The…

New CMA CGM dry port in Abu Ghraib is open for business

16,000 TEU capacity and 80 reefer plugs: Shipping line CMA CGM offers its customers opportunities to clear their cargo near Baghdad CMA CGM’s new dry port in Abu Ghraib (Iraq) has started successfully to handle its first shipments. This new facility located in Abu Ghraib, 40 km away from Baghdad, is the only bonded dry…

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