Transalkim to operate under the umbrella of Quehenberger Logistics

Quehenberger Logistics acquires three German locations and the foreign subsidiaries of Transalkim forwarding with about 350 employees Almost three months within the application for the opening of insolvency proceedings, a new perspective has materialised for Transalkim, a provider of transport and logistics services. The liquidator Dietmar Haffa of Schultze & Braun has sold the enterprise…

Seppi – Sped Spedition GmbH from Vienna fell insolvent

Bankruptcy case in Vienna-Liesing: Seppi – Sped forwarding strikes its sails due to problems with a contractual partner Vienna’s market for transport and logistics services has registered a new case of insolvency. The forwarding company Seppi – Sped Spedition GmbH is no longer able to meet their debt obligations. Therefore the competent court in Vienna…

2013 was a year of operational and financial improvement for Cargolux

In spite of a difficult environment in the airfreight industry for the most part of 2013, Cargolux Airlines achieved a significant tonnage growth In the Annual General Meeting on 30 April, the shareholders of Cargolux Airlines International S.A. approved the audited financial statements for the financial year ended December 31, 2013. The company recorded a…

Port of Rotterdam Authority contract with Brazilian company

Porto Central: Port of Rotterdam Authority and TPK Logistica intend to build a ‘greenfield’ deep sea port in the industrial heart of Brazil On 29 April the Port of Rotterdam Authority and TPK (Terminal Presidente Kennedy) Logistica signed a joint venture agreement in Vitória, Brazil for the development of Porto Central, a new port in…

Transalkim Spedition rückt unter das Dach von Quehenberger Logistics

Quehenberger Logistics erwirbt drei deutsche Standorte sowie die Auslandstöchter der Transalkim Spedition mit zusammen rund 350 Mitarbeitenden Knapp drei Monate nach dem Antrag auf Eröffnung eines Insolvenzverfahrens gibt es für den Transport- und Logistikdienstleister Transalkim eine neue Perspektive. Insolvenzverwalter Dietmar Haffa von Schultze & Braun hat das Unternehmen am 30. April an Quehenberger Logistics aus…

Seppi – Sped Spedition GmbH aus Wien ist insolvent

Konkursfall in Wien-Liesing: Seppi – Sped Spedition streicht wegen Problemen mit einem Vertragspartner die Segel Auf dem Wiener Markt für Transport- und Logistikdienste gibt es einen neuen Insolvenzfall. Die Seppi – Sped Spedition GmbH kann ihren laufenden Zahlungsverpflichtungen nicht mehr nachkommen. Deshalb wurde vom zuständigen Handelsgericht Wien ein Konkursverfahren eröffnet. Das Abgleiten in die nunmehrige…

2013 brachte betriebliche und finanzielle Verbesserungen bei Cargolux

Trotz meist schwierigem wirtschaftlichen Umfeldes in der Luftfrachtbranche im Jahr 2013 erreichte Cargolux Airlines ein bedeutendes Wachstum in der Tonnage Bei der jährlichen Generalversammlung am 30. April haben die Aktionäre der Cargolux Airlines International S.A. den Jahresabschluss für das zum 31. Dezember 2013 endende Geschäftsjahr gebilligt. Das Unternehmen verzeichnete ein Wachstum der Tonnage von 16,7%…

Port of Rotterdam Authority schließt Vertrag mit Firma in Brasilien

Porto Central: Port of Rotterdam Authority und TPK Logistica beabsichtigen Bau eines Tiefseehafens „auf der grünen Wiese“ im industriellen Herzen Brasiliens Am 29. April unterzeichneten die Port of Rotterdam Authority und TPK (Terminal Presidente Kennedy) Logistica einen Vertrag zu einem gemeinsamen Unternehmen in Vitória in Brasilien für die Entwicklung des Porto Central, eines neuen Hafens…

FedEx Acquires Supaswift Businesses in Southern Africa

FedEx Corp. announced today that its FedEx Express subsidiary acquired Supaswift businesses in South Africa and six other countries, which are Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland and Zambia These acquisitions represent the latest step in the company’s strategy to grow its African network and service offering. FedEx Express now has direct access across the seven…

Hi-Tech & Electronics Supply Chain Summit, Amsterdam Nears Full Capacity

Over 100 senior supply chain executives from the biggest hi-tech retailers and manufacturers, including Media Saturn, HP, Infineon, Philips and Sony, will be coming together in Amsterdam (May 21-22) to discuss supply chain strategies to drive growth in their hi-tech businesses. Representatives from all areas of the hi-tech ecosystem will be gathering in Amsterdam in…

The Evolution of e-Commerce Logistics

E-Commerce Logistics Models In developed economies, e-commerce logistics represents the latest big driver of change in logistics and physical distribution networks, which have evolved substantially over the past 40 years or so. Currently, it remains the case that as e-commerce continues to grow, most shippers, particularly multi-channel shippers, are still only just beginning to work…


Dawson opens £6m warehouse to support NE motor industry

AV Dawson is investing £6 million in a steel warehouse in Middlesbrough to support growth of the motor industry in the North East. Tata Steel, provides steel for Sunderland-based car maker Nissan, and has been using three of Dawson’s sheds at its Riverside Park base in Middlesbrough – one on the quayside and two at…


FTA opposes cabotage extension

The Freight Transport Association has warned against attempts to relax cabotage rules any further arguing that it would put UK operators at a competitive disadvantage. In April, Siim Kallas, vice president of the European Commission responsible for transport, released a report which highlighted the fact that removing the remaining cabotage restrictions would reduce the level…


FedEx takes over southern African carrier

edEx Express has expanded its network in Southern Africa with the takeover of Supaswift businesses in South Africa, Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland and Zambia. The deal gives FedEx 40 facilities across the seven countries and means it can offer a suite of export, import and domestic services across Southern Africa. Southern Africa is a…


DPD to launch Sunday delivery service for retailers

DPD is to launch a national express Sunday delivery service in July to support the growth in home deliveries for online retail. The service, which will start on 20 July 2014, will help create more than 500 new jobs around the UK as DPD’s depot network expands to accommodate a seven day week. It means that,…


Dawson opens £6m warehouse to support NE motor industry

AV Dawson is investing £6 million in a steel warehouse in Middlesbrough to support growth of the motor industry in the North East. Tata Steel, provides steel for Sunderland-based car maker Nissan, and has been using three of Dawson’s sheds at its Riverside Park base in Middlesbrough – one on the quayside and two at…


Tropicana renews Seafield contract

Tropicana, the fruit juice business which is part of Pepsico,  has renewed its logistics contract with Seafield Aylesham. The Aylesham based Freight Forwarding division will be controlling all movements of finished stocks from Hermes, 25 miles outside Paris to Haverhill in Cambridgeshire before onward distribution to retail outlets within the UK. Source: Portal:


IAG launches Hong Kong freighter service

IAG Cargo has launched its five per week freighter service between Hong Kong and London Stansted. The service is operated on behalf of IAG Cargo by Qatar Airways using a Boeing 777F. The new service replaces freighters previously leased from Global Supply Systems. Steve Gunning, CEO of IAG Cargo said: “In line with our wider…


Emirates opens Dubai cargo terminal

Emirates SkyCargo’s freighter fleet has started operating from its new cargo terminal at Dubai World Central’s Al Maktoum International Airport. The official start of operations was marked by the very early morning arrival of an Emirates SkyCargo Boeing 777 Freighter from London Heathrow, carrying a full load of more than 100 tonnes of cargo. Construction…

VDL Containersystemen gets hooked on heavy-duty – Penny + Giles joystick controllers from Curtiss-Wright

CHRISTCHURCH, U.K. – MAY 01, 2014 – Curtiss-Wright Corporation (NYSE: CW) has announced that its Industrial division is supplying Penny + Giles JC8000 joystick controllers to Netherlands-based VDL Containersystemen, a designer and manufacturer of container handling systems including hooklifts, skiploaders and cable systems. VDL Containersystemen’s ‘Classic’ control system for the hooklifts uses cabin-based air controls…

IBM, Walmart, Arby’s, Abbott Nutrition, P&G, HP and 140+ Shippers Confirmed for 2014 3PL Summit

eft is releasing the list of manufacturers and retailers set to attend the 12th 3PL Summit and Chief Supply Chain Officer Forum June 11-13th in Chicaog which now stands at 140 strong One of the major challenges for logistics executives as outlined in eft’s 3PL contracting survey is shipper dissatisfaction with their logistics partner relationships…


GeoPost takes majority stake in wnDirect

GeoPost, parent company of DPD and Interlink, has expanded its stake in wnDirect to 57 per cent. wnDirect has worked with DPD to provide DPD Direct, a dedicated international B2C home delivery service for UK retailers aimed at reducing the cost and complexity of international home deliveries. wnDirect also works for some major online retailers,…


Costa extends contract with Tenens

Costa has awarded Howard Tenens a five year contract to handle the ingredients supply chain for its Costa Proud to Serve and Costa Express operations. Howard Tenens started working with Costa Express following a tender process in 2012 lead by supply chain manager 
Chris Clowes, who identified an opportunity to drive efficiencies through the supply…

Multimodal discusses how exporters can succeed in China

Birmingham, UK, 30th April 2014 – The UK government wants to help manufacturers double their exports by 2020, and sees China as a key target market. In an informative seminar yesterday to close day one of the Multimodal exhibition, three speakers who have lived and worked in the country for a combined 55 years told…

Agenda for More Rail Freight – launched by FTA at Multimodal

Birmingham, UK, 30thApril 2014 – The Freight Transport Association (FTA) today called for “a joint industry approach to encouraging greater use of rail freight by shippers,” when it launched “Agenda for More Rail Freight” as part of the FTA Seminar Day programme at Multimodal 2014 The “Agenda for More” document is based on research and…

Multimodal hears how smart thinking meets ever greater humanitarian need

Birmingham, UK, 30th April 2014 – The instinct to help those in need is as old as humanity itself, but the stakes are higher than ever before. The aid industry has been forced to go global in response to a doubling in the number of people affected by humanitarian crises in the last decade. Mike Whiting,…

Airbridgecargo adds Munich to its growing list of European destinations

Effective from May 9th, AirBridgeCargo Airlines, the largest Russian scheduled cargo airline and part of Volga Dnepr Group, is expanding its services in Central Europe by introducing direct services to and from Munich with a Boeing 747 freighter. The new Munich flight to Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport will be in addition to the four existing weekly…

Software rettet Lebensmittel

Aachen, 30. April 2014 – Der Geschäftsbereich Inventory & Supply Chain der Aachener INFORM GmbH nimmt den diesjährigen „SAVE FOOD Congress“ zum Anlass, Optimierungsmöglichkeiten durch IT in der Lebensmittellogistik aufzuzeigen. Mit der Veranstaltung, die vom 07. bis 08. Mai 2014 auf dem Gelände der Messe Düsseldorf stattfindet, lenken die Initiatoren „SAVE FOOD“ das Interesse auf…

IuK-Technologien als Treiber für Kooperation: Fraunhofer IML und EffizienzCluster richten ECITL 2014 aus

Europäische Konferenz zum Einsatz von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien in der Transportlogistik findet erstmals in Dortmund statt Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft diskutieren über intelligente Formen der Zusammenarbeit Das Fraunhofer-Institut für Materialfluss und Logistik IML und der EffizienzCluster LogistikRuhr sind Gastgeber der 7. Europäischen Konferenz zum Einsatz von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien in der Transportlogistik – 7th European Conference…

Ulf Adebahr verlässt GS1 Germany

Mit Wirkung zum 30.05.2014 verlässt Ulf Adebahr den Dienstleister für Standards und Prozessoptimierung GS1 Germany und gibt auch seine Tätigkeit als CIO der 1Worldsync auf. Verstärkung erhält die GS1 Geschäftsleitung durch Ingo Wolters, ehemals Thalia. Stefan Schweikart von Baumarkt Praktiker Services folgt in der 1Worldsync. Köln, 30. April 2014. Ulf Adebahr verlässt zum 30.05.2014 auf…

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