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Zufall logistics group legt Rechenzentrum in die Hände eines Spezialisten

Outsourcing des Data Centers und der Netzwerk-Services zur Steigerung der Service Levels der Zufall logistics Group Die operational services GmbH & Co. KG (OS), Joint-Venture der T-Systems und Fraport, übernimmt ab sofort den Betrieb des Rechenzentrums und die Bereitstellung von Netzwerk-Services der Friedrich Zufall GmbH & Co. KG. Managed ICT Services und Infrastrukturleistungen, insbesondere für…


UPS kauft Coyote Logistics für 1,8 Mrd. USD

Über das Coyote-Netz bietet UPS dem gemeinsamen Kundenstock Lösungen für eine nahtlose Lieferkette für multimodale Frachtsendungen bis zur Zustellung kleiner Pakete UPS hat einen Kaufvertrag zur Übernahme von Coyote Logistics unterzeichnet. Der Kaufpreis für den technologieorientierten, nicht-Asset-basierten Lkw-Ladungsmakler aus Warburg Pincus ist 1,8 Mrd. USD. Die 2006 gegründete Firma Coyote erwirtschaftete 2014 einen Jahresumsatz von…


RHA calls for Calais crisis meeting with prime minister

The Road Haulage Association is calling for an urgent meeting with prime minister David Cameron on the crisis at Calais. The association has strongly criticised the government’s approach to the Calais crisis, saying the latest measures to strengthen the security fall far short of what is needed. Chief executive Richard Burnett, who is currently visiting…


Trials show benefits of longer semi-trailers, says FTA

Trials are showing that longer semi-trailers pose no greater safety risk than normal and are valuable in reducing HGV miles and making carbon savings, the Freight Transport Association says. Andy Mair, FTA’s head of engineering, said figures just released by the Department for Transport showed that these trailers were being operated safely and responsibly. The…


Gypsum contract for GB Railfreight

GB Railfreight has run its first train for plasterboard producer Siniat, as part of a five-year contract to transport gypsum to factories at Portbury and Ferrybridge. In September 2014, the rail freight operator won a short-term contract with Siniat to transport gypsum between West Burton and Portbury, operating four trains per week and using one…


How Vertu uses training to drive supply chain growth

Vertu, the manufacturer and retailer of luxury mobile phones, has launched a global three to five day commitment from point or order to first point of delivery. Fulfilling such commitments – combined with the changing requirements of multiple points of sale and customer interaction – necessitates a ready supply of skills and a significant reduction…


John Good moves to London Gateway

John Good Shipping, is moving into the recently opened London Gateway Logistics Centre. Alan Platt, managing director of John Good Shipping, said: “This is absolutely the right decision for our business and will ensure we can continue to deliver efficiencies to our customers. Our clients will benefit from more efficient UK supply chain technology, which…


UPS to buy Coyote Logistics

UPS is to acquire Coyote Logistics, a US technology-driven, non-asset based truckload freight brokerage company for $1.8 billion from Warburg Pincus. “The brokered full-truckload freight segment is a high growth market and we expect it will continue to outpace other transport segments,” said David Abney, UPS chief executive officer. “This high quality acquisition significantly increases…


EU to investigate FedEx takeover of TNT

The European Commission has launched an in-depth investigation into the proposed acquisition of TNT Express by FedEx. The Commission is concerned that in a number of European markets for international express and regular small package deliveries, the merged entity would face insufficient competitive constraints from the only two remaining large integrators – UPS and DHL….


RHA launches on-line Calais petition

The Road Haulage Association has launched a petition calling on the French government to use the military to restore law and order in Calais, and put an end to Operation Stack. Chief executive Richard Burnett said: “I am calling for everybody in the country to sign the on-line petition  as every name added makes our…


Tim Johnson joins Chancerygate

Tim Johnson, the former director of industrial and logistics at Jones Lang LaSalle, is joining Chancerygate to expand the scope of the company’s development programme. “Bringing Tim into our business represents a major step forward for Chancerygate, and will increase the range of developments we want to initiate, said Chancerygate managing director Eddie Cook. Cook…


Mitsubishi in deal to buy UniCarriers

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Mitsubishi Nichiyu Forklift have joined forces to take over UniCarriers whose brands include TCM and Atlet forklifts. The UniCarriers Group was created in 2011 from the mergers of the brands Nissan Forklift, TCM and Atlet. The company is headquartered in Tokyo with branches in Europe, America and Asia. Its European headquarters…


Pentalver opens London Gateway site

Pentalver, the container service operator, has opened a five acre site at DP World London Gateway. The operator has been providing empty storage, dry repair and reefer services at temporary premises at the port since April 2014. The new yard, located adjacent to the port’s main gate, can be expanded to nine acres over the coming…


Calais chaos hits Scotland

The continued chaos in Calais is hitting Scottish exports, notably in the fishing and food processing sectors, the Freight Transport Association has warned. Margaret Simpson, the FTA’s country manager for Scotland said: “The situation in Calais is having a huge impact on the Scottish freight industry. The delays on both sides of the Channel are…


Reverse logistics under scrutiny at Omni-Channel

Andrew Starkey, head of e-logistics at IMRG, is to examine the issue of reverse logistics when he speaks at this year’s Omni-Channel Conference. Taking place on 16th and 17th September at Dexter House in London, The Omni-Channel Conference will address the need to deal more effectively with demand, fulfilment and returns. With an even larger…

Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG verschlankt Konzernstruktur

Die Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG (HHLA), der größte Containerterminal-Betreiber in Hamburg und Anbieter von Transport- und Logistikdienstleistungen, überführt die Verantwortung für das Geschäftsfeld Container in die Holding. Zum 1. August 2015 werden deshalb alle bisher in der Zwischenholding HHLA Container Terminals GmbH angesiedelten Funktionen und Steuerungsaufgaben in der Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG gebündelt….

UPS steigert Gewinn pro Aktie im zweiten Quartal um 12 Prozent

UPS gab für das zweite Quartal 2015 einen dilutierten Gewinn pro Aktie in Höhe von 1,35 USD bekannt, ein Anstieg von 12 Prozent gegenüber den bereinigten Ergebnissen des gleichen Vorjahresquartals. Alle drei UPS-Geschäftsbereiche haben ihren Betriebsgewinn und ihre Gewinnspanne verbessert, angeführt vom internationalen Paketgeschäft und deb Bereichen Supply Chain und Fracht. “Während des Berichtszeitraums hat…


ID Logistics baut Logistik-Standort für IKEA in Dortmund

ID Logistics baut gemeinsam mit Garbe Logistic AG seinen vierten Standort in Deutschland auf der Westfalenhütte. Die Halle wird im ersten Quartal 2016 fertiggestellt und von IKEA genutzt. Die Gesamtfläche der Logistikimmobilie beträgt rund 46.000 Quadratmeter. ID Logistics wird davon mit 34.000 Quadratmetern rund drei Viertel im ersten Schritt anmieten. “Durch die sehr gute Lage…

Auszubildende von Kögel erhalten Preis der Bayerischen Staatsregierung für herausragende Leistungen

Der Burtenbacher Aufliegerhersteller Kögel ist gleich auf drei seiner jetzt Ex-Auszubildenden ganz besonders stolz. Sie wurden alle in diesem Jahr mit dem Bayerischen Staatspreis der Regierung von Schwaben ausgezeichnet. Damit gehören sie zu den besten Berufsschul-Absolventen in Bayern. In einer feierlichen Zeremonie der Berufsschule Lauingen wurde den Kögel-Azubis vom stellvertretenden Landrat Michael Holzinger der Bayerische…

Thorsten Haeser wird Chief Commercial Officer bei Hapag-Lloyd

Der Aufsichtsrat der Hapag-Lloyd AG hat Thorsten Haeser (47) zum neuen Vorstandsmitglied ernannt. Haeser wird als Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) die weltweiten Vertriebsaktivitäten von Hapag-Lloyd leiten. Der studierte Jurist ist gegenwärtig als Geschäftsführer der Versatel GmbH, einem Unternehmen der United Internet AG, tätig. Davor hatte er verschiedene Managementpositionen bei der Sixt AG, Telefonica O2 und…


Demanding a better supply chain

Telenet’s head of supply chain, Kurt Schilders, will focus on how to develop a better end-to-end supply chain when he makes the opening address at the European Logistics & Supply Chain Conference. He will explain how Telenet integrated with a retail organisation and what types of benefits and challenges were faced. European Logistics & Supply…


Drivers’ hours plan splits RHA and FTA

The relaxation of drivers’ hours rules as a result of Operation Stack has gone too far, the Road Haulage Association has told the Department for Transport. But the Freight Transport Association reckons the change makes “perfect sense”. The DfT has replaced the EU daily driving limit of 9 hours with one of 11 hours, and…


Bedding company picks Dalepak

Online bedding company Soak & Sleep has awarded Dalepak a three year contract covering warehousing, distribution, and e-fulfilment. Soak & Sleep carries more than 1,000 SKU’s, and handles more than 300,000 orders a year. Tasia Cooke, head of operations, said: “In the short time Soak&Sleep have been working with Dalepak we have built up a…


Royal Mail expands Click & Drop service

Click & Drop, Royal Mail’s online postage and labelling service, has introduced multi-label postage and printing and international delivery services to more than 200 countries and territories. The service is aimed at SMEs and consumers. Nick Landon, managing director of Royal Mail Parcels, said: “The new features open up a world of delivery at the…

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