News from DHL

BT signs a Global Innovation Partnership agreement with DHL; DHL enhances two of its online services.

Communications solutions provider BT has signed a Global Innovation Partnership agreement with Deutsche Post DHL. BT will now support the DHL Solutions & Innovations (DSI) unit to foster innovations and develop new logistics services products and technical solutions. The two partners have identified a number of areas for joint research and development, including RFID and security solutions for the supply chain and green and sustainable logistics.

As part of the program, BT will have access to the DHL Innovation Centre to develop, test and showcase new solutions.

One of the first priorities for the two companies will be to provide RFID solutions that enable the end-to-end visibility of information required by customers to manage the movement of goods through today’s lean, globalised and increasingly complex supply chains. A special focus will be on supporting customers in the emerging markets of Asia Pacific, where BT is currently investing to provide next-generation infrastructure and supply chain capabilities, and recently signed a contract to supply DHL with communications services across the region.

In other news, has enhanced two of its online resources to help customers better navigate the complexities of international trade and simplify online shipping.

DHL Trade Automation Services (TAS), a global online resource that provides comprehensive trade and customs data, now supports 74 countries, with the recent addition of eleven more countries in the Middle East, Asia, Africa and South America (Algeria, Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Saudi Arabia and Vietnam).

Additional new features further simplify importing with DHL Import Express Online, a web-based tool that provides importers with full control over their import and third-party (country-to-country) shipments.

TAS takes the guesswork out of estimating duties, taxes and other import fees by calculating the total ‘landed costs‘ between countries up front. TAS helps customers to ensure that shipments comply with a country’s import and export regulations, and also checks shipper and receiver details against government lists, embargos and sanctions so customers can ensure global compliance. The importing process has been streamlined with DHL’s recently enhanced Import Express Online (IEO) shipping tool, a web-based tool available in 111 countries. IEO enables customers to coordinate effective and secure communications between importers and shippers. Customers can prepare import shipments through a fully automated process, including e-mail instructions for the shipper, waybills, invoices, and pickup arrangements.

A new feature in the IEO tool provides the shipper with a standing authorisation from the Import Express account holder, eliminating the approval process for each shipment. An associated login enables shippers to create shipments using the Importer’s account number at any time. Other enhancements include the ability to import and export addresses into IEO from other applications, improved security to prevent fraudulent use, and visibility of transit time and rate quote for all available services.

TAS Web Services can be integrated directly into business applications or websites, allowing companies to access TAS trade data directly from their existing systems.

Quelle: eyefortransport

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