“Life Ball 2011“ uses DB Schenker’s logistics expertise

Team of experts from the Viennese DB Schenker branch manages all logistics processes for the “Life Ball 2011“


DB Schenker is the official logistics partner of Europe’s largest charity event in the fight against the immunodeficiency syndrome AIDS for the fourth time. For the 19th "Life Ball” stage sets and decoration from various locations in Austria and abroad will be transported to Vienna’s city hall square.

Since the beginning of April single transportations on special low loaders of the forwarding company are on their way from Mörbisch to Vienna. The stage equipment has to be delivered to the Vienna city hall square exactly according to schedule and then transported away from the venue again – in some cases even while the Charity Ball is still underway. So far four stage constructions and requisites with a total weight of eleven tons were transported from Mörbisch to Traiskirchen and then forwarded to Vienna.

The transportations are carried out by use of special vehicles that are able to carry goods with a maximum length of 14 metres. A branded DB Schenker truck with pictures showing the divine leading figures Nike (goddess of victory), Hermes (messenger of the gods) and Amor (god of love) will be operating from the start of May in Vienna downtown. This truck will carry stage elements, decoration materials, artists’ dresses and event equipment for the Vienna city hall for a period of three weeks.

The “19. Life Ball” will take place on 21 Mai 2011 in the sign of “Luft“ (air). This year’s motto is “Spread the Wings of Tolerance“ and shall be a visible sign for life and against intolerance, for the pleasure of life and against discrimination, for solidarity and against ignorance. A team of experts of the DB Schenker branch in Vienna will take all preparations relating to the logistics process.

Quelle: LogEastics
Plattform: www.logistik-express.com

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