ISACA Updates 10 IT Audit Programs

ISACA provides updates for 10 key IT-audit/assurance programs

ISACA has updated 10 key information technology (IT) audit/assurance programs that serve as road maps to help organizations improve controls and protect the privacy and security of their IT.

ISACA’s IT audit/assurance programs are used by enterprises around the world. The updated programs are based on ISACA’s IT Assurance Framework (ITAF), available as a free download at ITAF provides a single source from which IT audit and assurance professionals can seek guidance, research policies and procedures, obtain audit and assurance programs, and develop effective reports.

The updated audit/assurance programs are:

-Change Management
-Generic Application
-Identity Management
-IT Continuity Planning
-Network Perimeter Security
-Outsourced IT Environments
-Security Incident Management
-Systems Development and Project Management
-UNIX/LINUX Operating System Security
-z/OS Security

Each program is designed for use by Certified Information Systems Auditors (CISAs) and IT assurance professionals with experience in the topic covered by the program.

Quelle: ISACA

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