DB Schenker has been existing for exactly 140 years

On 1 July 1872 ‘pioneer’ Gottfried Schenker laid the foundation stone for a worldwide operating transport and logistics group
These days DB Schenker is looking back on 140 years as a provider of forwarding services. Gottfried Schenker established the enterprise on 1 July 1872. From the beginning the service range was focussed on operations in the sectors transport, storage and customs clearance.
Gottfried Schenker as the company founder was a pioneer of forwarding business. Back then he was the first and sole provider to join small shipments, thus creating the basis for groupage transport. By the end of the 19th century Schenker was the sole enterprise offering continuous transportations from London until Istanbul. They established 32 locations in 13 European countries in the lifetime of the founder.
The “once-source house-to-house“-principle is still dominating business of DB Schenker today. As a subsidiary of Deutsche Bahn the enterprise offers customers worldwide transport and logistics services via railway, road, waterway and air freight, based on 95,000 employees at about 2,000 locations around the globe.

Quelle: LogEastics

Portal: www.logistik-express.com 

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