Cost-cutting “Made by Hödlmayr”

“Ökotraining” of truck drivers reduces costs of Hödlmayr Group

During the economic crisis there are many ways to develop and implement cost-cutting measures. So the truck drivers of the Hödlmayr International AG are receiving an “Ökotraining“, which encourages the “kings of the road“ to drive far-sighted which means to change gears early enough and avoid sudden braking. According to Johannes Hödlmayr, head of the company, this reduces diesel consumption by some 100,000 litres per year and CO2 emission by around 3 per cent or 1,600 tons.

Based in Schwertberg in Upper Austria, Hödlmayr International AG deploys 640 special car transporter to deliver about 900,000 vehicles per year. The whole group has locations in 14 countries, where more than 1,400 employees are operating on a warehousing area of around 1.4 million square metres. Last year they achieved a turnover of EUR 189 million.

Quelle: Österreichische Verkehrszeitung

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