AdB and BDB: Merger of German river shipping associations

Employer’s association and German federal association of inland navigation to join forces – Georg Hötte appointed as President of the association
As of now all interests of the German river shipping industry will be represented from one source: On May 28, 2013 the employer’s association of German inland navigation Arbeitgeberverband der deutschen Binnenschiffahrt e.V. (AdB) and the German federal association of inland waterway transport Bundesverband der Deutschen Binnenschiffahrt e.V. (BDB) both made unanimous decisions in their general meetings in Duisburg to merge the organisations.
In addition to transport and industry policy tasks, BDB takes over labour and social law tasks from AdB with immediate effect. These include also the role as a partner for collective agreements and the operation of training and education institutions aboard the school vessel Rhein. The members have adjusted the articles of the association accordingly. Georg Hötte (Rhenus PartnerShip GmbH & Co. KG, Duisburg) was appointed President of BDB with these enhanced functions.
„The members of AdB and BDB decided in favour of this merger to use synergy effects even better and at the same time contribute to the frequently requested cleaning up process in Germany’s diverse scene of associations“, says Georg Hötte President of BDB. He sees the merger of the two organisations – like Volker Seefeldt, President AdB – as a historic event for the river shipping industry and an important signal for the entire scene of associations and politics. Georg Hötte thanked Volker Seefeldt for his honorary commitment as President of AdB and honoured his performance and success. He had been holding the position since March 2008.

Quelle: LogEastics


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