Poland-Turkey: Spedcont partners with Rail Cargo Group

Rail Cargo Group (RCG) has chosen Spedcont to service transshipment on the new Poland-Turkey connection. The testing phase has successfully ended, and the connection is now operating regularly in both directions. Apart from terminal services, Spedcont offers drop-offs of containers and freight transport between the warehouses of the RCG customers and the Łódź terminal.

“In the Spedcont terminal in Łódź, the customer mainly expects quick and efficient transhipment service, which shortens the time of freight transport to Turkey. The operation is based on transhipment of the containers, which are then shipped to the Turkish intermodal hub Halkali (Istanbul), which is growing in importance when it comes to trade. We are optimistic about the development of the connection frequency,” says Marcin Dobruchowski, Chairman of the Management Board of Specont.

Currently, the Austrian operator realises weekly import and export connections on the Poland–Turkey connection. The route for the new rail connection goes through Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria.

Spedcont terminal in Łódź is developing dynamically. Over the last four years, the volume of operated trains has increased significantly, both on the national and Poland–China routes. In 2018 the number of trains tripled in comparison with 2015.

www.railcargo.com; www.spedcont.pl


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