German general cargo cooperative IDS has been driving for 30 years

Interessengemeinschaft deutscher Spediteure (IDS) achieved new record with 11.6 million shipments in 2011
Germany’s first general cargo cooperative celebrates its 30th birthday: In the summer of 1982 eleven mid-sized companies in Hamburg founded the “Interessengemeinschaft deutscher Spediteure“ (IDS). Today IDS has 6,000 employees at 43 partner locations and counts among Germany’s biggest general cargo transporters.
„The cooperation principle of equal partners has proven until today“, says Dr. Michael Bargl, Managing Director IDS Logistik GmbH. “The cooperation within the network works reliably and we can tackle tasks with combined strength.“ Handling 11.6 million shipments the cooperative achieved a new record in 2011. This makes IDS also the general cargo cooperative that handled the biggest transport volume in Germany.
IDS implements transportations to other European countries through the national companies of its franchisees as well as selected Europe partners. The service range covers procurement, storage and distribution as well as returns management. In addition to the B2B segment the IDS partners are also meeting special requirements of B2C.

Quelle: LogEastics


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