GLS Austria now using natural gas vehicles as well

GLS Austria’s environmentally friendly natural gas vehicles to serve Tyrol from the "eco depot" in Zirl:

With immediate effect GLS parcels will also reach their destinations in the Tyrolean Unterland by means of seven natural gas vehicles. The new delivery vehicles of the Fiat Ducato type at a value of EUR 240,000 are deployed for the “eco depot” Zirl from mid-June. GLS Austria has been operating a location there since 2008, which is also equipped with an environmentally friendly heat pump.

This action is part of the “Think-Green“-initiative, which the parcel service provider has been pursuing for four years now. Apart from lower emission of pollutants motors of natural gas driven vehicles are considerably less noisy. In addition their lifespan is longer thanks to the cleaner combustion. Dr. Axel Spörl, General Manager GLS Austria, emphasises also on the cost advantage of this fuel type: “Compared to diesel vehicles, each of GLS Austria’s new delivery transporters can drive four kilometres more with natural gas for ten Euros.” Loss of cargo hold is no more problem, as the gas tanks of the new vehicles are no longer in the trunk, but built in the vehicle’s body floor.

Quelle: LogEastics

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