SBB Cargo launched interval timetable for freight

Together with its customers, SBB Cargo has been elaborating the new interval timetable for more than two years. Since last weekend, major sites are served up to three times per day. In addition, connections on Saturdays and more express services are now available. This way the Swiss rail freight company adapts to the increasing pace of logistics.

The schedule with three processing phases in the marshalling yards is does not affect the commuter traffic in the morning and evening hours. This means the railway infrastructure is significantly better utilized than previously. The recently introduced accounting system enables customers to book specific pickup and delivery times, which increases planning security.

The main goods volumes are transported on weekdays, the daily average is around 6,000 railcars. Compared to the rest of the year, especially during the Christmas period significantly more cars are on the route for the customers from retail trade.

The modernised offering brings major adjustments in the logistics process, both for SBB Cargo and the customers. However, it turns out that the new processes sometimes still have to settle yet.

SBB Cargo is Europe’s first rail freight company to introduce an interval timetable with a booking system for goods. Through its new offer called «Wagenladungsverkehr 2017» the company confirms that wagonload services are a strategic core business in Switzerland, and will remain so in future.

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